Before you travel

Information and smart tips for your travels.

apps for travellers

apps for travellers

 As our mobile phone has become an integral part of everyday life, we will certainly not abandon it in our travels. Especially now, that not only it can help us but also save us from difficult situations during our travels, we decided to present you with 8 free applications that can be installed on every smartphone, no matter which operating system it has (ios, windows, android). We are sure that you have already traced similar applications and/or even better. We would be glad if you could then indicate them to us through your comment.

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«Spend less, see more»

Tips for planning your trip by yourself.

For those of you that plan your trip yourself and not through a travel agency, here are some tips for you, suggested by experienced travelers in travel planning.

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how to pack a suitcase

how to pack a suitcase

Preparing for a trip is much easier when you plan ahead. As you plan your trip, you can determine what to take with you by considering the weather, location, and planned activities. It also helps to make sure you have a sturdy bag that fits your basic needs. Whatever bag you bring, you can make the most of it by packing carefully to optimize your space.

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